The Signal Movie Trailer
I remember sitting in the Egyptian theater in downtown Park City Utah almost a year ago, wondering why I wasn't sleeping. You see, sleep is something that just doesn't happen during the 10-days of the Sundance Film Festival. Either you're partying or seeing movies. And I'm the type to usually over-exhaust myself with celluloid. I remember sitting in the Egyptian wondering if I had made the right choice. The next day I had to get up for a very early screening (8am maybe) and attending a downtown midnight film meant that I wouldn't be back to my rented condo until 3am (and with /Film work, I wouldn't be to bed until at least 5am). I almost considered leaving the screening. After all, I was probably going to fall asleep during the movie. But I didn't, and I'm so glad I stayed around.
The movie I saw that night was a great low-budget indie horror flick called The Signal. Robert Rodriguez would be so proud. It is New Years Eve in the city of Terminus and all forms of communication have been jammed by an enigmatic signal that preys on the fears and desires of everyone in the city. Told in three parts from three unique perspectives by three visionary directors, The Signal is a horrific journey towards discovering that the most brutal monster might actually be within all of us. Check out the official movie trailer after the jump.
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You can also watch the trailer in High Definition on Apple. The Signal hits theaters on February 22nd 2008.