Tim Burton Says Frankenweenie Will Be "Real Low-Budget"
As you know, Tim Burton recently signed a two picture deal with Disney which will allow him to make a feature length version of Frankenweenie. I always wondered how Burton convinced Disney to remake his 1984 short. The story about a young boy who brings his dead dog back from the dead, is sure to pose a couple marketing challenges for the Mouse House. It's not cute and cuddly, it's dark and gothic. I always assumed that Burton used the "one for them, one for me" mentality when making the recent deal. Heck, Alice in Wonderland doesn't exactly sound like his dream project. But Stop-motion-animation is a lengthy process, and isn't exactly cheap (Corpse Bride cost around $40 million). And now I have my answer, direct from Burton's mouth via Sci-FiWire:
"We're going to do that real low-budget," Burton said. "The thing that excites me about it and that will make it different is that when I look at my original drawings, there are certain things that are in those that I couldn't get in the live action when I made the film. So I'm quite excited to try to get a certain emotion and other characters in the new version, and I want to make it a slightly bigger story."
"Love Budget"? "Bigger Story"? Hmmmmm...
Frankenweenie is aiming for a 2009 release.