Movie Trailer: Woody Allen's Cassandra's Dream
The international movie trailer for Woody Allen's next film, Cassandra's Dream is now online. The film tells the story of two Cockney brothers (Collin Farrell and Ewan McGregor) in south London and their relationship with a young woman (Hayley Atwell) who lands in London on her search for fortune. She crosses the two men by accident on her path and when one them falls in love with her, she becomes aware of her power to attract the opposite sex and uses this to the point of leading the two brothers, who are in financial difficulty, into crime, and creating a dangerous rivalry between the two men.
It looks pretty interesting. The movie premiered at a film festival in Spain a couple months back and his been very well received (9.1 on imdb). Most people didn't latch on to Allen's latest (Scoop), and this looks to be a return to the non-comic genre story that launched his resurgence (Match Point) a couple years ago. Check out the trailer after the jump.
[flv: 320 260]
credit: allocine