/Film Quoted On Hostel 2 DVD
My friend Arya just sent over a link to the cover-art for the Hostel: Part II DVD release (via: dvdactive). I would like to say I'm surprised, but I knew about this for some time. After being quoted on all the Hostel 2 tv ads and newspaper ads, I received a phone call from Sony a couple weeks after Hostel 2 hit (and subsequently, disappeared from) theaters. They wanted to get permission to use a quote from my review on the box art for the home video release. Makes you wonder if all critics need to give their permission for box art quotes. They originally asked if they could change the wording and combine two sentences from the review, which I was okay with because it didn't change the intent. It just made for a better pull-quote. But it turns out they used a line pulled directly from my review. Anyways, this is very cool and I'll be very excited to see my name on one of the dvd shelves at Best Buy. Click on the image to the right to enlarge.