Medellin Movie Trailer Released
I recently became addicted to the HBO hit series Entourage. One of Vincent Chase's (the main character on the show) dream projects is a Pablo Escobar epic biopic. The film within the show is going to the Cannes Film Festival, and HBO has released a faux theatrical movie trailer for Medellin. HBO has also created a nice teaser website for the fake film, which can be viewed at Too bad it's not a real film, because it's certainly a great idea. Am I the only one interested in seeing a real life Medellin? Probably not. Someday we'll probably see Escobar's story on the big screen. Joe Carnahan has been trying to adapt Killing Pablo for quite some time now. Meanwhile, you can check out the trailer for Medellin after the jump.
[flv: 360 144]