Bleach Filler List: All The Episodes You Can Skip
Discourse surrounding popular shonen anime often loops back to which episodes can be considered "filler." By definition, filler arcs assume secondary importance to episodes that are considered canon, as they don't necessarily enrich our view of the fictional world at large. However, this is not always true. I previously explored the significance of fillers in a shonen series like "Naruto," where even the most skippable episodes help flesh out character motivations. This logic makes sense for the world of "Naruto," as these filler arcs act as a break from the bleak, traumatic toils of the shinobi world, highlighting nuances that are often overlooked in canon arcs.
But when the same logic is applied to Tite Kubo's "Bleach," our perception of what "filler" means changes drastically. The filler/non-canon episodes in "Bleach" can feel empty and bloated for the most part, actively hampering the arcs that do excel in etching the momentous adventures of Ichigo Kurosaki. A classic example is the Soul Society: The Rescue arc (episodes 42-63), which represents everything that the anime does best: meaningful stakes, high-octane fights, and a shocking twist that feels thoroughly earned. As soon as this terrific arc ends, episode 64 kickstarts the notorious "Bount Arc," which arguably make up some of the most painful "Bleach" filler episodes to go through. Then again, all 44 episodes of a two-part filler arc cannot be straight-up garbage, so you might end up liking some fight sequences for aesthetic reasons.
If we tally the number of canon episodes in "Bleach" against the filler ones, a whopping 163 episodic fillers make up nearly 45% of the anime. Whether you want to skip almost half of the series completely or pick and choose filler arcs is a matter of personal choice. With that in mind, let's take a quick look at which "Bleach" episodes are pure filler and whether these filler arcs and one-offs are worth your time.
Bleach episodes that are considered pure filler
When an anime adaptation runs parallel to a serialized manga that is still being written, there's a real risk of quickly catching up to the latest manga chapters. This leaves no room for future episodes as the mangaka is still in the process of planning, sketching, and writing them. To prevent such close calls and provide the mangaka with ample time to get ahead, anime adaptations space out canon arcs with filler episodes, which generally do not impact canon events or character quirks.
As these fillers do not have a pre-written precedent, things can often get weird, leading to baffling one-off episodes or lengthy arcs that are more whimsical than the series' overarching tone. Without further ado, let's take a look at all the filler episodes in "Bleach:"
Episode 33
"Miracle! The Mysterious New Hero" -
Episode 50
"The Reviving Lion" -
Episodes 64-108
The Bount Arc -
Episodes 128-137
Stolen Hogyoku Arc -
Episodes 147-149
Menos Forest Arc -
Episodes 168-189
The New Captain Arc -
Episodes 204 & 205
Rurichiyo And Kenryu's Feud -
Episodes 213 & 214
The Karakura-Raizer Omake Arc -
Episode 228
"Summer! Sea! Swimsuit Festival!" -
Episode 229
"Ikkaku And Yumichika's Adventures" -
Episodes 230-265
Zanpakuto Unknown Tales/ Rebellion Arc -
Episode 266
"A Recap Of Hueco Mundo Events" -
Episode 287
"Side Story! Ichigo and the Magic Lamp" -
Episodes 298 & 299
Shinigami Film Festival -
Episodes 303-305
Various One-Off Fillers -
Episodes 311-316
Various One-Off Fillers -
Episodes 317-342
The Gotei 13 Invasion Arc -
Episode 355
"Shinigami at War (New Year Special)"
Now that we've isolated the filler entries, let's deem which ones are worth watching by diving into what they're about.
Some Bleach filler arcs are worthwhile in their own right
If we go through the filler list from top to bottom, only a few one-offs and arcs emerge as essential, meaning that you can skip everything else. Some "Bleach" enthusiasts might rally for the Bount Arc due to the sheer volume of episodes it sports, but I would recommend a skip because this 44-episode "Bleach" arc is dull and shoddily crafted. The euphoric momentum of the preceding Soul Society Arc is completely crushed here, pushing Ichigo and friends towards a fresh threat that lacks the gravitas or complexity to make us care. So it's better to watch the Menos Forest Arc instead, which sheds light on Hueco Mundo's deserted vistas and fleshes out Rukia's motivations to an extent. Moreover, this three-episode filler arc does not feel arduous due to its relative brevity, making it worthwhile.
Next, I wholeheartedly recommend the Zanpakuto Unknown Tales/ Rebellion Arc, which toys with a rather intriguing premise. What happens when every Shinigami's Zanpakutō (soul-cutter sword) gains sentience and rebels against its wielder? These filler episodes do a good job of setting up an engaging antagonist while throwing unique curveballs at our heroes, and even the most flawed developments feel tinted with nostalgic fondness. Apart from this, the only other filler arc worth watching is the Gotei 13 Invasion Arc, which deals with a serious imposter situation that complicates loyalties and alliances. These episodes also situate Ichigo in a relatively helpless situation, as he no longer has control over his abilities, which seem to wane with time.
You can skip everything else if you want to, but in case you're in the mood for some non-canon Aizen-centered episodes, the Stolen Hogyoku Arc might be worth checking out. There are some choice Hitsugaya moments peppered here and there, along with crucial backstory that helps us better understand Aizen's deviant morality and treacherous persona. As for the rest, it all boils down to personal preference, which will hopefully become an integral aspect of your "Bleach" experience.