Director Mike Flanagan's Hush Is Finally Getting A Physical Media Release [ATX Festival]

Horror fans have reason to celebrate as a great movie that has been impossible to watch for far too long is finally getting an official, physical media release. The movie in question is Mike Flanagan's 2016 film "Hush," which previously existed as an exclusive on the streaming service. It was removed from Netflix in early 2023 and has been completely unavailable. That's all going to change soon, according to Flanagan.

Flanagan, known for his work on shows such as "The Haunting of Hill House" and "The Fall of the House of Usher," was a guest at this year's ATX Television Festival in Austin, Texas. During a panel called The Monologue Case Study, I had the chance to ask the filmmaker about the status of "Hush" and when we might be able to see it. While he couldn't share specifics, Flanagan did confirm that the film is finally getting a physical release. He explained that the film left Netflix because the terms of the deal with the streamer had expired. Here's what he had to say about future plans for a Blu-ray release:

"We took it back because I really value physical media. And Netflix, by policy, it does not work in their business plan. So we took it back. We do have a new home for it. I can't say where. I can say there will be a physical release, and that there will be a lot of really awesome surprises that we've been working on for a year to make this release awesome. It's something that will be really exciting. The fans have been waiting. If you've been looking for 'Hush' and it's nowhere to be found, it will be back soon. It will be everywhere. You'll be able to stream it. You'll be able to have it in your collection, and it's gonna be worth the wait because we did some really awesome new stuff for it."

Hush is finally getting the release it deserves

Many of us have, indeed, been waiting. Even when "Hush" was on Netflix, a great many physical media collectors such as myself would have loved the option to own the film on Blu-ray. Fortunately, Flanagan now has the opportunity to take matters into his own hands. It sounds like he's pulling out all of the stops as well. We are, after all, talking about the man who was happy his show "Midnight Mass" was pirated and released on Blu-ray by bootleggers. The man is committed to the medium.

For those who may not be familiar, "Hush" stars Kate Siegel and John Gallagher Jr. A very isolated film, it centers on a deaf writer who retreats to the woods to live a solitary life who must fight for her life when a masked killer appears in her window. It was met with widespread praise at the time of its release, but it unfortunately never caught fire in the way that certain horror films do. It developed something of a cult following in the years after its release.

As for the specifics of the Blu-ray and streaming release Flanagan teased, we'll have to wait. Did he cut a deal with a boutique company like Arrow Video or Scream Factory, perhaps? Given the special features he says they've been working on, something along those lines seems like a safe bet. Hopefully, he won't make us wait too long to find out.

No word yet on a release date for "Hush" on disc but stay tuned as we'll surely be learning more soon.