Who Did George Lucas' Daughter Play In The Star Wars Prequels?

The "Star Wars" universe is full of colorful creatures and characters which make this feel like a lived-in universe. Likewise, the "Star Wars" movies are full of cameos from both little-known actors at the time, like Rose Byrne or Keira Knightley, and also established celebrities like Daniel Craig and Prince Harry (and almost NSYNC). But George Lucas is not just a filmmaker, he is also a family man. When it came time to make the prequel trilogy, Lucas started bringing in his kids — and also himself — into his films in small roles.

Indeed, all three of Lucas' eldest children, Amanda, Katie, and Jett, appear in the prequel trilogy in various roles. Amanda did the voice of one of the Neimoidian controllers in the Trade Federation ship in "The Phantom Menace," as well as one of the senators that work with Bail Organa and Mon Mothma in "Revenge of the Sith," while Jett played a Jedi Padawan in two films.

As for Katie Lucas, she first appeared in "The Phantom Menace" as one of Anakin's childhood friends, Amee. But in "Attack on the Clones" Katie Lucas had a cameo that added something entirely new to the canon: a purple Twi'lek named Lunae Minx. While most Twi'lek's we'd met at that point were blue or green (or in the case of Bib Fortuna, ugly), Lunae Minx was something new. Plus, she has the honor of only showing up during one of the biggest scenes in the film: when Anakin and Obi-Wan show up at a club and Kenobi ends up saving the life of a dude by influencing him to stop selling death sticks and rethink his life.

But that wasn't the last time Katie Lucas would be a part of "Star Wars."

A lasting legacy

Katie Lucas appears in "Revenge of the Sith" as Senator Chi Eekway alongside George Lucas himself (who plays Eekway's father, Baron Papanoida) during the fateful opera scene where Palpatine unveils the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis to Anakin.

Chi Eekway and Baron Papanoida, unlike other characters played by the Lucases, would actually appear once again, in an episode of "The Clone Wars" where Eekway was kidnapped by the Trade Federation before Ahsoka Tano rescues her. Unfortunately, neither Lucas came back to voice their characters, but Katie did co-write that episode, alongside several other episodes of "The Clone Wars" including the fantastic arc where Darth Maul returns from the dead. 

Though Chi Eekway hasn't returned to the franchise, her appearance in "The Clone Wars" did help introduce a rather important character for the canon, Senator Riyo Chuchi. Chuchi replaced Baron Papanoida as senator of the planet Pantora in the years after the Clone Wars, and would become a key figure in the movement to oppose Palpatine's push for conscripted stormtroopers and an advocate for protecting the rights of the former clone troopers in "The Bad Batch".