The Mandalorian's Carl Weathers Wants To Direct A Greef Karga Star Wars Film

Even though Lucasfilm has waaaaayyyy slowed down their "Star Wars" film output, it seems that it's a newly minted movie blogger law that every person ever interviewed is asked if they'd like to direct a "Star Wars" movie. Sometimes it's folks that make sense, like in the case of Carl Weathers as we'll discuss below, and sometimes it's totally random. I don't think Martin Scorsese is champing at the bit to direct a Star War.

Carl Weathers was cast in "The Mandalorian" as Greef Karga, the middle man who dishes out jobs to his stable of bounty hunters all while taking his cut. Over the course of the series, Greef has grown a conscience and turned to the good side ... or at least to the good-ish side. He's still got some scoundrel in him, but as "Star Wars" has well established, having a little scoundrel in a character is almost always a good thing. 

Now Karga is the Chief Magistrate of Nevarro and is doing everything he can to transform it from a wretched hive of scum and villainy into a respectable, safe place for his people. Weathers' role in the production has also evolved over the seasons. He has now directed two episodes (season 2, episode 4 and season 3, episode 4), which makes him a prime candidate for this "Would you direct a 'Star Wars' movie" question.

Of course, his answer is yes, and when HypeBeast interviewed Weathers he told them exactly what the subject of his movie would be. Greef Karga, of course.

Greef's got the eye of the tiger

Weathers acknowledges that this would a tad selfish, but he said he has good reason, beyond vanity, for being intrigued by the story of this complicated man.

"It would be cool to see him as a youngster. Diving into those formative teenage years, watching him learn both bad habits and good ones. See what transpires as a result of that as we build the man that we see today."

But he doesn't just want a "Solo: A Star Wars Story" style Young Greef adventure. As appealing as it would be to see his origins, the real meat of this story would be what Karga has to deal with as we know him in "The Mandalorian," trying to lead the people of Nevarro and protect them from pirates, the remnants of the Empire, and other space baddies. 

He has a point. Karga is uniquely qualified to be a strong leader and a guy who isn't afraid to get his hands (or exquisite robes) dirty when push comes to shove. That said, that's surely going to be a storyline continued in further seasons of "The Mandalorian," so whether or not Greef lives happily ever after or goes down in a hail of blaster fire will likely be found out in the Disney+ show. 

Either way, Weathers has proven himself a strong director, so never say never.