Will Louis Leterrier Direct Insane-Sounding Sci-Fi Thriller 'Gravity'?

First up, this is not Gravity as in the Alfonso Cuarón 3D sci-fi space thriller that will have an insane opening shot.

No, this is an altogether different film called Gravity. This one has been described as 'The Day After Tomorrow meets Taken,' and Clash of the Titans and The Incredible Hulk director Louis Leterrier is now attached to direct.


Pajiba has the news, explaining that the film is about " a father who has to search for his lost child as the world stops spinning and Earth begins to lose its gravity." This is an in-development situation, so we're not likely to hear anything too firm about it yet, and when we do hear more, in all likelihood the film will have a different title. The project is with Mark Gordon Productions and Universal, with George Nolfi (The Adjustment Bureau) reportedly producing.

But let's go back to that logline, just in case you didn't properly process it the first time. Gravity is about a father who has to search for his lost child as the world stops spinning and Earth begins to lose its gravity.

Think about that for a second. No gravity. Everyone is starting to float — they all look like they're in the middle of a street encounter with David Blaine. How utterly insane do most people go? And if there's a Taken-like aspect to the plot, how do chases happen when there is no gravity? This movie might be the first true action ballet ever to be made.


Also: what stops the Earth spinning? Superman? The lost child? Does the world gradually slow down, so that gravity lessens by degrees over the course of the film? The logline inspires SO MANY QUESTIONS.

This will pretty much have to be in 3D, won't it? And star Nicolas Cage. Please star Nicolas Cage.

