'We Are Still Here' Trailer: Satisfy The Darkness

We Are Still Here looks like a mean, constrained monster movie, as it follows a couple who move into a new home, only to find that they have stumbled into a situation that will claim their lives. The film is set to play in the Midnight lineup at SXSW in Austin, TX in March.


This We Are Still Here trailer is a great introduction to the film — it begins with a casual conversation featuring comments about murder and unwitting cannibalism, and then jumps right into monsters punching right through someone's chest. Genre faves like Barbara Crampton and Larry Fesseden are in the cast, and We Are Still Here looks almost like a spin on Lovecraftian horror. Check out the footage below.

Note that this trailer is kinda red-band, for gore and language, so it might not be suitable for work.

We Are Still Here trailer

Yeah, some of the trailer tactics there are pretty familiar, such as the Inception horns, but there are some promising moments of horror. Even more than the instances of actual effects, it's the deadpan tone of the townspeople that makes this look like a good time.


We Are Still Here will premiere in March at SXSW. Trailer via Dark Sky Films.

In the cold, winter fields of New England, there sits a house that wakes up every 30 years and demands a sacrifice. Cast: Barbara Crampton, Andrew Sensenig, Larry Fesseden, Lisa Marie, Monte Markham

