VOTD: 'Footloose' Remade By 54 Filmmakers
Craig Brewer's remake of the classic 1984 Kevin Bacon film Footloose, starring Kenny Wormald and Julianne Hough, is scheduled for release in October of this year. When it was first announced, though, a group of filmmakers got so upset that Hollywood was needlessly remaking another great movie they decided to beat them to the punch. 54 filmmakers broke up the original film into segments and, last summer, assembled all those pieces into one brand new movie. Our Footloose Remake has been playing independent movie houses across the country for several months now but, just this past weekend, the whole movie made it online. Read more about the film, and watch it in its entirety, after the jump.
Here's what Our Footloose Remake is all about, from their official site:
We are a collection of amateur filmmakers and video-making enthusiasts, recreating the Kevin Bacon classic and releasing it this summer. Different filmmakers from "around the world" have divided the original 1984 Footloose into 54 different scenes. 54 different filmmakers. 54 different Ren McCormack's. In October 2008 it was announced that Paramount Pictures and Dylan Sellers Productions would be remaking the classic Footloose, starring Zac Efron. We were fed up. The Hollywood remake machine was going to take another solid movie, put it through the ringer, and make a buck from a younger generation. We decided "Let's beat them to the punch. Let's do this remake our way."
Originally slated to release in June 2010, director complications have pushed the release of "The New Studio Remake Footloose" back to 2011. Hollywood can't make it by 2010? We can. Our fifty-four filmmaker "The Footloose Remake" will hit Los Angeles in June, taking the place of Paramount's release. Let's undermine the Hollywood remake machine.
And here's the film, from start to finish:
Our Footloose Remake (Full Movie) from DaveAOK on Vimeo.
Also, click here to see the letter the filmmakers sent to Paramount. It's very cool.
We all bitch and complain about how movies suck and Hollywood is unoriginal but these people actually went out and did something about it. Our Footloose Remake isn't going to change the world, but it's a clear message that movie fans do have a voice, if they're willing to put in the leg work. I give them all the props in the world.