Superhero Bits: Tons Of Avengers, Nathan Fillion, Spider-Man, Batman, Green Lantern

Obviously, there's a lot of Avengers today with the new trailer released. Want to read new quotes from Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Scarlett Johansson, Chris Evans and Jeremy Renner about the film? Where can you play an Avengers game right now? Is somewhere selling Avengers themed pet wear? Has a Spider-Man cake ended the trend of superhero cakes? Want to see Nathan Fillion talk about Justice League: Doom and act in a superhero comedy skit? Read about all this and more in today's Superhero Bits.


El Mayimbe on Twitter linked to this Film School Rejects story from last month of an Avengers fan poster by themadbutcher. He feels it's better than the official one released yesterday. Agree? (My apologies if I've already posted this. I know it's old, but felt it was more topical now.)Entertainment Weekly spoke to all the members of The Avengers with the release of the poster, and trailer, and got some great quotes from them. I'll pepper them across the rest of the column. Here's Robert Downey Jr:

Avengers has always been this kind of hovering [thing]. Is it really possible? I just think that it was an incredibly ambitious notion, and looking back at Marvel and their fledgling years, they always had a vision of this ... although not entirely accurately....In one teaser I say, 'I'm putting a team together,' and in the other one I'm like, 'What do you mean I can't join the team?' But aside from that, it kind of really tracks through.

Nathan Fillion spoke to Metal Machine (via Comic Book Movie) about his role as Green Lantern in Justice League: Doom. Head there for unembedable video.

Here's an EW quote from Mark Ruffalo about The Hulk in The Avengers:


The rage is something that is like going on a binger — you wake up after a blackout and you did all this f—ed up shit. Oh God, what did I do? And so we were talking about it like that, actually.

F Yeah Tattoos (via FG) posted what's the beginning of an epic Batman tattoo sleeve.Chris Evans tells EW the one word that describes Captain America in The Avengers? "Lonely"

Want to dress your pet up as a geek? PetSmart (via Fashionably Geek) has a ton of themed pet t-shirt.

Chris Hemsworth says Thor is still a little out of place in The Avengers:

There are certainly moments where Thor says things and there's a sideways glance from everybody: 'What the hell is this guy talking about?'

Due to the amount of graphics and images included in Superhero Bits, we have to split this post over TWO pages. Click the link above to continue to the second page of Superhero Bits.

I think the superhero cake thing ends here. This is magnificent. And probably delicious! More info at Between the Pages.

Hawkeye doesn't really feel like part of The Avengers, Jeremy Renner tells Entertainment Weekly:

I'm on such the periphery. By nature of being a sniper on top of a building, the behavior of a sniper is a loner. He gets a call and comes and does his thing.

Bleeding Cool noticed iBooks has updated with a bunch of new graphic novels.Scarlett Johannson spoke to EWabout her character's sex appeal in The Avengers:

Part of what makes her sexy is she takes no prisoners. You wouldn't grab her for a big old bear hug.

This piece of art, Nick Fury's Boy Band, was created by Berry Presh. And it rules. Thanks to Geek Tyrant.


Gamma Squad has come up with a list of superheroes who they think will never have great movies, but Hollywood will never give up on.

Several notable actors, such as Nathan Fillion, appear in the latest, superhero themed version of The Daly Show. Thanks to Superhero Hype.

Photoshop helps this Wasp cosplay by Riki LeCotey, but she helps it too. Thanks to Best of via FG.

The Geek Twins goes back to the source to remind us how different the original Hulk was to the way we expect him now.Marvel Avengers Alliance, an online RPG via Facebook, is now live for everyone. Play it here.

