Star Wars Bits: Force Awakens, Shattered Empire, Rebels Season 2, BB-8 And Much More
It has been a long time since that last Star Wars Bits, but Force Friday week has resulted in a lot of front page stand alone Star Wars stories that I'm not sure that you mind. Here is what you can find in today's edition of Star Wars Bits:
All this and more, after the jump to hyperspace.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens director JJ Abrams recently talked to ABC News about what it was like to make a Star Wars movie. Here are a couple choice quotes:
"That was a constant in the production of the movie: moments where we would all look around and realize what we were doing and gasp a little bit and then dive back in. When you're on the set of the Millennium Falcon or staring into the eyes of C3PO giving direction, it's pretty easy to have that fanatic part of you bubble up. But our job was to be there to tell this story, not to be a fanboy." ... "What was incredible from my point of view was how apparently easily they flipped back into these roles. I knew for a fact, for example, that Harrison Ford was going to be in this movie, but I couldn't be certain that Han Solo would be. Meaning, I hadn't seen Han Solo return after nearly 40 years, either. And it wasn't until we got on set that I got my answer. It was a remarkable thing to see how effortlessly Harrison Ford became Han Solo again."
The Topps' Star Wars Card Trader app has revealed a bunch of new character promo art. Check it out above.
When JJ Abrams explained the meaning behind some of the Star Wars: The Force Awakens character names, he revealed that Poe Dameron, the X-Wing pilot played by Oscar Isaac, is named partially after his assistant Morgan Dameron. Here's a fun instagram photo is of Morgan's parents buying an action figure of Poe Dameron on "Force Friday." has posted a first look at the upcoming Star Wars: Shattered Empire comic book series which will help fill in the gap between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens. Click here to read more. As you can see, the first issue of Shattered Empire opens in the midst of the Battle of Endor. The book comes out Wednesday, September 9th 2015.
The Denver Post has an article titled "How Boulder's Sphero brought Star Wars' BB-8 droid to life as a toy". Here is what we learned:
Read the whole article at The Denver Post.
Star Wars has launched a new Star Wars Movie Instagram account @StarWarsMovies. Might be worth following if you're excited about the upcoming films.
The above video was released featuring Star Wars Rebels director Dave Filoni talking about the upcoming second season of the Disney XD animated series. There are a few pieces of new concept art and bits and pieces of new information. Rebels Report has a round-up:
Excited to see the second season begin. Here is a new clip from Star Wars Rebels season 2 that features Ahsoka giving "the Ghost crew some easy advice as they set out to find her mysterious ally."
Germain Lussier explains why Force Friday Was A Disaster For Many Star Wars Fans:
I love Star Wars. I love collecting. And I'm not sure who is to blame here. Did Hasbro and the other manufactures not make enough product, hoping to raise demand by cutting supply? Or did Toys "R" Us, Target and others just not order enough, severely underestimating the power of Star Wars? I don't know. What I do know is that Force Friday was a major let down for some. And while others certainly got what they wanted, and everyone will be able to get all these products in the weeks, months and years ahead, it still sucks for even a few to be left with such a bad taste after so much buildup.
Read more at io9.
For Force Friday Weekend, Comixology is offering up to 80% Off some select Star Wars graphic novels (not any of the new canon stuff, but still might be worth your dollars).
John Boyega recently talked to Spin-offline, and revealed the first time he met Star Wars: The Force Awakens director JJ Abrams:
I met J.J. a few years ago at Bad Robot, and he was right next to Tom Cruise. I saw Tom Cruise walk out. Then I saw J.J. Abrams, and J.J. just goes to me, "You know what, John? I loved you in 'Attack the Block.' We're going to get you some something." And I was like... [mouth drops open] And four years later, he got me in something. It just happened to be "Star Wars." So I like that guy.
Of course he does.
Vanity Fair put the new BB-8 Sphero toy to the test, the puppy test. Watch the cute-ness above.