Even Tom Holland Doesn't Know What's Going On In 'Captain America: Civil War'
Right now, we may actually know more about what transpires in Captain America: Civil War than Spider-Man actor Tom Holland, who is actually in the film. We're souring the internet for details and writing up every piece of new information because this stuff is our fuel and our reason to live and we want more, more more... and Holland apparently refused to read the entire screenplay for the movie because he was afraid his big mouth would get him into trouble with spoilers.
Read Holland's Spider-Man Civil War comments after the jump.
Speaking on SiriusXM's Entertainment Weekly Radio show (which will broadcast on December 14), Holland took some time to stop answering questions about In the Heart of the Sea and start answering questions about Spider-Man's role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We'll give him this much – either he's a great liar with a great story, or he's the exact kind of secretive that Marvel Studios values in its actors:
I don't even know what Civil War is about. I was only working on it for a week or two weeks or something. So they offered for me to read the script, and I said 'No, I don't want to read it, because I'll be doing all these interviews and I'll end up telling secrets and stuff. I've got such a big mouth.' So I actually don't know what it's about. I'm going to watch this film as an audience member, rather than someone who is in it. I'll be like, 'I wonder what my bits are about?'
Considering that Asa Butterfield was supposedly jettisoned from the Spider-Man race for being a little too chatty on the internet, Holland's play-it-safe-approach seems wise.
In the same interview, Holland spoke about his audition process and how he repeatedly used his skills as an actual acrobat to give him an edge. He also confirmed what we've heard before – he was asked to read alongside Tony Stark himself, Robert Downey Jr. After all, if you don't have chemistry with the cornerstone of the MCU, you have a problem. Here's the quote:
It was so intimidating. But the thing was, I walked into the room on this soundstage, and they had this little set, and Robert took me aside and said, 'Listen, I remember my screen test for Iron Man. I remember how terrified I was. Just think of it as an audition. It's nothing too scary. If you get it wrong, we'll just start again. No pressure.' But that kind of raised the pressure a little bit for me. But he was great and super supportive, and because he said he'd been there and had been in the same situation, it made me relax a little bit.
For more quotes, including what it was like to work with Chris Hemsworth in a non-Marvel capacity, hit the link above. Captain America: Civil War opens on May 6, 2016 and Holland's first solo adventure as the new Spider-Man will arrive on July 28, 2017.