Sarah Michelle Gellar Sings "Teen Horniness Is Not A Crime"
I must pick up the Southland Tales soundtrack. It contains more than a few great tunes, much in line with director Richard Kelly's debut film Donnie Darko. The soundtrack also includes character Krysta Now's first single "Teen Horniness is Not a Crime", a satirical take on the bubble gum pop songs of Britney Spears era. In the movie, Sarah Michelle Gellar plays porn star Krysta Now, who also hosts a "View"-like talk show, her own energy drink, and an upcoming pop music career.
And you can now listen to the song in MP3 format over on Zeon's Music blog. The lyrics are available after the jump.
Teen horniness is not a crime
Keep an open heart and an open mind
Cause these statistics do not lie
Just ask those nerds who shot up Columbine
They weren't gettin' laid
They weren't getting' laid
Teen horniness is a state of mind
Not a sin but a natural urge
You gotta purge
Gotta splurge
While you still can
Birth control
The morning after pill
It's your stupid legislation
In an overcrowded nation
Now you acting crazy
Cause a zygote ain't no baby
via: The Movie Blog