Ryan Reynolds Set For 'Deadpool'

Ryan Reynolds has been hoping to get a Deadpool movie off the ground for years, and this fall Fox finally granted his wish by announcing a Deadpool spinoff for 2016. What they didn't confirm at the time was whether Reynolds would star — but it seems that's now falling into place, too.


Fox is reportedly closing in on a deal with Reynolds for the movie, which will be directed by VFX specialist Tim Miller. Hit the jump for more on the Ryan Reynolds Deadpool deal.

Deadline reported the news, and Reynolds did a little teasing of his own on Twitter.

It's not really surprising to hear that Reynolds will reprise the role. He played the "Merc with a Mouth" in 2009's X-Men Origins: Wolverine and has been banging the drum for a Deadpool spinoff ever since. Nor has Fox shown any serious interest in replacing him like they did with Taylor Kitsch and Gambit, swapping in Channing Tatum for the upcoming solo film.


Even so, it's good news for people who liked Reynolds' take on the character, and an encouraging sign that the film is moving forward. Miller had been developing the script for several years and even shot some test footage with Reynolds a while back. But it was only recently that it started to look like it'd actually become a reality.

Of course, it remains to be seen if Deadpool fans will get the movie they've always wanted. Simon Kinberg has confirmed that the new Deadpool film will be part of the X-Men universe, which isn't necessarily a bad thing but might limit how weird and dark Deadpool can get.

The movie version of the character already differs a bit from the one in the comics. He starts out as Wade Wilson, a human mercenary, before Stryker gives him mutant powers and turns him into Weapon XI. Though the character was apparently defeated at the end of X-Men Origins: Wolverine, an end credits scene suggested he hadn't perished.

As skilled and powerful as he is, Deadpool is probably even better known for his wisecracking attitude. He's sarcastic and off-kilter, and in the comics has a habit of breaking the fourth wall. He also happens to be a huge fan of the F-word, which is why fans were troubled by the recent rumor that Deadpool would be PG-13. However, nothing has been confirmed on that front.


Deadpool will open February 12, 2016. It'll be followed later that year by X-Men: Apocalypse on May 27, 2016.

