VOTD: Learn How Pixar Animation Changes Their Movies For International Audiences
Hollywood movies are screened all over the world, but since most movies that come out of the entertainment capital of the United States are in English, they have to be dubbed or subtitled in various languages. However, those aren't the only changes that are made to movies when they screen around the world. Some dialogue has to be changed to be more culturally relevant, and some scenes need to be cut entirely due to certain cultural standards in other countries. But what about animated movies?
A new video illustrates how Pixar Animation makes changes to their movies in order to be more accessible to international audiences. Sometimes it's as simple as changing the text of a title card, handwritten letter or street sign to be in a different language. But there are more significant changes too, like swapping out broccoli in Inside Out for bell peppers in Japan.
Find out how Pixar changes movies for international audiences after the jump.
These are details that you never really think about when you're watching a movie in your own language in your own country. The example of Ellie's adventure book in Up makes me wonder just how many languages get their own translation done in animation, not to mention which countries get those kind of personalized touches when it would be infinitely easier to use a subtitle in place of custom animation. That's something frequently done with live-action foreign films in the United States, and vice versa for US movies in foreign countries.
I'm betting for countries where millions speak the same language, those custom changes help make the movie more accessible, especially for kids. Then again, it seems like the more common fix is just using images instead of text when possible. It just goes to show you how much more thought has to go into a movie when you're releasing it to an international audience.