Page 2: Tim Burton, Popeye, Star Wars, Monsters Inc, Evil Dead, Adam Savage, Hobbit, X-Files, Total Recall, Breaking Bad, Jurassic Park, Rambo, Walking Dead, Indiana Jones, Doctor Who, Sesame Street
Page 2 is a compilation of stories and news tidbits, which for whatever reason, didn't make the front page of /Film. After the jump we've included 46 different items, fun images, videos, casting tidbits, articles of interest and more. It's like a mystery grab bag of movie web related goodness.
Header Photo: Tim Burton By: Paul Shipper
Interview: Stephen Tobolowsky on his podcast, his non-memoir, and not trusting Vegas
From Megashark To Some Guy Who Kills People –The Realities Of Being An Indie Film maker
Realistic Rendered Popeye
Do documentaries need to be fair to both sides of an issue?
'Samsara' creators Ron Fricke and Mark Magidson discuss the digital filmmaking divide
Star Wars Orchestra flashmob
'The Master' May Win Awards, But It's a Box Office Loser So Far
Do Time Travel Movies Have to Have Rules?Monsters Inc iPhone wallpaperRemembering Forgotten Sequels
Pixar Shorts Vol. 2 Trailer – Available to Own November 13
Jim Carrey to Star in Armored Car Comedy 'Loomis Fargo' for 'Napoleon Dynamite' Director
Newly Discovered Emails Boost AMC Networks Over Dish Network In VOOM Case
Get a Peek Inside Mythbuster Adam Savage's Workshop and See His Cool Toys
The Black List Launches Paid Script Service
First Pics Of Harrison Ford, Gary Oldman & Liam Hemsworth In 'Paranoia'
'Argo' Screenwriter Explains the CIA Secrets and Surprises Behind the Film
An iTV iPad App Would Be The Ultimate Living Room Experience
London's Historic Regent Street Cinema on Track to Reopen in 2014
The Hobbit Limited Edition Moleskine Notebooks
'Walking Dead' opens to 10.9 million viewers
Watch This Insane Trailer for the Indian Action Film 'Alex Pandian'Apps For Cinephiles
Spock finger
Read a transcript of Paul Thomas Anderson's interview from Sirius XMX-Files pumpkinRaising Hope plots Back to the Future themed episode with Christopher Lloyd
Johnny Cab t-shirt
Producer Claims Tablets Will Overtake Theaters in Months, Not Years
Star Wars As Medieval Art
Sunset Gower Studios, former home of Columbia, marks 100 years
Heisenbot, A Breaking Bad & Transformers Mashup T-Shirt Design
Indian movie studios set up shop in Los Angeles
Miranda Dressler's Jurassic Park tribute artThe 25 Most Devoted Fan Bases
Own This HAL 9000 Replica Guaranteed Not To Open The Pod Bay Doors
10 Classic Horrors You Must See This Halloween
Coraline Makeup Tutorial5 TV Siblings Better Suited to Incest Plotlines than Dexter and Debra Morgan
Asgard t-shirt
In Defense of Tim Burton
More new LEGO Hobbit Sets Revealed
Top 5 Most Over-Saturated Actors of Recent Times
Today's t-shirt of the day on TeeFury is a Hobbit/Dr. Seuss-inspired design "Super Blues Bros".
Ted just hit $469 million at the box office today, making it the highest-grossing comedy of all time, surpassing The Hangover.Rambo posters by Anthony Petrie
Total Recall: Christopher Walken's Best Movies
The Walking Dead drinking game
The 50 best films of the '90s
GI Joe-inspired Peace t-shirtFive Reasons The Walking Dead Game is Better than the Show
The Fifth Element poster by Tom WienerKid Cudi Joining Indie Romantic Comedy 'Two Night Stand'
NASA on Mercury's Craters: "Anyone Else Think This Looks Like the Cookie Monster?"
6 Insane Stereotypes That Movies Can't Seem to Get Over
The Idol and the Whip t-shirt
The 5 Best (And 5 Worst) Doctor Who Dalek EpisodesDoctor Who Inflatable Dalek
10 New York Comic Con Pictures You Can't Unsee
Sexy Bert and Ernie Halloween Costumes
Top 8 Movies Made Possible By Incompetent Background Characters
If you have any interesting items that we might've missed that you think should go in /Film's Page 2 – email us!