Page 2: Friday The 13th, Moonrise Kingdom, Star Trek, Ghostbusters, Lars Von Trier, Pirates Of The Caribbean, E.T., James Bond, Quentin Tarantino, Predator, Werner Herzog
What is Page 2? Page 2 is a compilation of stories and news tidbits, which for whatever reason, didn't make the front page of /Film. After the jump we've included 48 different items, fun images, videos, casting tidbits, articles of interest and more. It's like a mystery grab bag of movie web related goodness. If you have any interesting items that we might've missed that you think should go in /Film's Page 2 – email us!Header Photo: Where's Jason.
The future of Netflix isn't just streaming — it's original programming
Today's t-shirt of RIPT Apparel is "Heroes"
Joss Whedon Finally Talks Cabin In The Woods SpoilersNeedle Design's Moonrise Kingdom print.Will Criterion Collection release Rosemary's Baby?
Star Trek Quiet Book To Calm Your Trekkie ToddlerBellflower actress Rebekah Brandes lands 'Nothing to Fear'Video: A look inside the state home for Manic Pixie Dream Girls
Ex-'Sons Of Anarchy' Actor Taylor Sheridan Sells Script To Sidney Kimmel Entertainment
Ghostbusters Proton Pack ReplicaJoss Whedon talks about the film that changed his lifeVideo: What If Lars Von Trier Directed A Donald Duck Movie?Charlize Theron will star in Rise of the Apes helmer Rupert Wyatt's sci-fi action film Agent 13.
Pirates Of the Caribbean Pet CosplayPeter Jackson's The Hobbit Should Hit Theaters at 48-Per-Second Frame RateVideo: Watch a vomiting alien beat up the Pope, in the weirdest E.T. parody everFalling Skies: Can it Fill the Void Until The Walking Dead Returns?
James Gilleard's James Bond illustration.10 Now Beloved Actors We Wrote Off Too Soon
Battleship Clip: Taylor Kitsch Gets One WishScriptShadow reviews the script for Saving Mr. Banks.Matt Kaufenberg's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Bebop illustration.
TV director Paul Bogart dies at 92
Listen To A Catchy Song About Shia LaBeouf Chasing You Through The Woods And Trying To Kill And Eat You
Google TV's TV and Movies app gets to know you better with ratings, favorites and more
Léon: The Professional poster by JackFlagBoardwalk Empire star Michael Pitt to star, produce You Can't Win
A new website called Digi Titles takes a look at the behind the scenes process of your favorite movies and tv shows. (via)
15 writers and directors who've spawned their own separate genres
Supercut: Movie Students Giving Dumbass Answers10 Aliens Cunningly Disguised as Attractive CelebritiesJoshua Budich's Quentin Tarantino-inspired print "Brutally Cool"
IFC Midnight Acquires Rights To Found-Footage Pic Area 407
Ghostbusters-inspired "Tully's Ghost Tours" t-shirt.Arguments Against And For An Apple TV Set
Star Wars/Sesame Street mash-up.
The Films Of Robert Bresson: A Retrospective
MTV premiered a new photo from Ted.11 Crappiest Movies of Rhys Ifans' Career
Photos: More images and details emerge about Ikea's Uppleva16 big monster finds that turned out to be big monster fakes
Video: Parks and Recreation Gag ReelHow Behind-the-Scenes Strife Can Ruin Your Favorite ShowPredator body paint.6 Filmmaking Tips From David FincherVideo: Werner Herzog Discovers John Waters Is GayChris Kattan allegedly wrote a full-length screenplay based on the SNL character Mr. Peepers and sent it to SFWeekly.
"Untitled (Serling)" Art Print by Koren Shadmi
5 Screenplays Written by Famous NovelistsVideo: R2-D2?s Other Message8 Weird Creatures That Need SyFy Movies
"The Best Supper" by Hillary White
William Friedkin's 'Killer Joe' to Open Edinburgh International Film Festival