Page 2: Drive, The Explorers, Battlestar Galactica, Cars, Muppets, RoboCop, Star Wars, MI4, Paul Thomas Anderson, John Carter,
What is Page 2? Page 2 is a compilation of stories and news tidbits, which for whatever reason, didn't make the front page of /Film. After the jump we've included 46 different items, fun images, videos, casting tidbits, articles of interest and more. It's like a mystery grab bag of movie web related goodness. If you have any interesting items that we might've missed that you think should go in /Film's Page 2 – email us!
Header Photo: The 1990?s Film Alphabet:
Austin Powers, The Bodyguard, Cool Runnings, Dumb and Dumber, Edward Scissorhands, Fear & Loathing, Ghost, Home Alone, Interview With the Vampire, Junior, Kingpin, Look Who's Talking, Men in Black, The Nutty Professor, Outbreak, Pulp Fiction, Quiz Show, The Rocketeer, Speed, Trainspotting, The Usual Suspects, Very Bad Things, Wayne's World, X-Files, You've Got Mail, Zorro
TheFW lists 5 Actors Who Got Their Start on Punk'dGarcity has created a Faux Drive Comic Book CoverWhy FOX hasn't yet decided about Terra Nova (but needs to fast)
Reelizer Presents: The Top Ten Movie Posters of 2011 (Alternative Artworks). Above is The Explorers.The Playlist's 50 Most Anticipated Films Of 2012
Screenwriter John August has created a new Mac app "Bronson Watermarker" that lets you watermark PDF documents, a task useful to working Hollywood screenwriters.
Portlandia Gets a Second Screen With IFC Sync
The Officially Licensed Fanboy.
Cracked lists 8 Gratuitously Violent Horror Movie Scenes (from the Bible)
Due to the amount of graphics and images included in Page 2, we have to split this post over a BUNCH of pages. Click the link above to continue the second page of Page 2.
James Gilleard's Curb Your Enthusiasm illustration.
io9 Lists the Seventy Genre Films On Tap for 2012Battlestar Galactica: The RPGPajiba lists The 10 Best Goddamn Movies of 2011
Drew Falchetta's Harvey Birdman, Esq. illustration.
Ranker lists the Top 13 Simpsons Jokes That Came True
Dib and the E.T. t-shirt.
Dimension Films has acquired U.S. distribution rights to the heist comedy The Black Marks.
Cars' Ramone Is Prepped for Disney's Art of Animation ResortArmond White's 2011 Better-Than List > Pretty Much Every Other Blogger's List
Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem-inspired Electric Submarine t-shirt.
Christian Bale's 'Flowers of War' grossed $83 million in 17 Days in China
Omaru has compiled a video of 2011's cosplay highlights.
Pajiba lists the 13 Most Satisfying Revenge Movies Ever
French fast food chain Quick has revealed new burgers to tie in with the 3D release of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace.
Netflix May Be A More Popular Network Than FX
Tigger cake.
Arguing The One-Price Ticket System: Should All Movie Tickets Cost The Same?
Hot Toys will be releasing a new RoboCop figure with their most updated technology, as well as the 1/6th scale figure from the second movie.
GeekTwins lists 7 Reality Shows Mashed With Scifi Horror MoviesStar Wars custom plushies.Complex lists The 15 Hottest Girls in Apocalyptic MoviesWatch a Featurette for Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol has director Brad Bird and Composer Michael Giacchino discuss how IMAX enhances the sound for the film.J Hurtado lists his top ten feel-bad films of 2011.
Movieline has updated their Oscar Index.Guyism lists 7 Movies You Didn't Realize Are Subtly RacistWatch "Drivers, The Unsung Heroes of Hollywood", a documentary hosted by 22 year old Paul Thomas Anderson.Daniel Walber lists his 10 Favorite Shorts of 2011
Today's t-shirt of RIPT Apparel is a Futurama-inspired design "Doctorama"
Listen to a preview from the upcoming 53rd episode of The Tobolowsky Files.Check out a new image from John Carter.American Reunion has been Rated R "For crude and sexual content throughout, nudity, language, brief drug use and teen drinking."
Paramount Pictures has released a Paramount100 iOS app.
John Carter has been Rated PG-13 For intense sequences of violence and action.
Infographic: Geek vs. Nerd (via: a Trailer for Corey Feldman's Six Degrees of Hell.