Page 2: Evil Dead, Iron Man, Judd Apatow, Dexter, Back To The Future, Real Steel, Transformers 4, Star Wars, Samuel L Jackson, Twin Peaks, Ghostbusters, The Wire, Netflix, The Office, Daniel Radcliffe, Robocop, Dark Crystal, Playboy Club, Hugh Jackman
What is Page 2? Page 2 is a compilation of stories and news tidbits, which for whatever reason, didn't make the front page of /Film. After the jump we've included 46 different items, fun images, videos, casting tidbits, articles of interest and more. It's like a mystery grab bag of movie web related goodness. If you have any interesting items that we might've missed that you think should go in /Film's Page 2 – email us!
Header Photo: T-Cakes created this Evil Dead cake.
GiantFreakinRobot lists the Top 5 Favorite Things About Fringe's Return
Today's t-shirt of RIPT Apparel is a Iron Man-inspired design "A Better Tomorrow".
Beachwood Canyoners are turning against one another in the battle of the Hollywood Sign viewing spot: LaBonge and Neighbors Discuss Gondolas, Giant Ferris Wheels, and Trashcans.
Today's t-shirt of the day on TeeFury is Charlie's Angeles/Super Mario Bros mash-ip design "Miyamoto's Angels"
Movies lists the Top 10 Must See Movies of Fantastic Fest 2011.Judd Apatow has tweeted a photo from the final wrap day of his new movie This Is Forty.
Mini Geek Deal: Walmart is selling Hot Tub Time Machine and Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief for $5 each with free shipping to the store.
It's a .... stain?
FirstShowing lists 10 Fantastic Fest Films We're Dying To Watch
Due to the amount of graphics and images included in Page 2, we have to split this post over a BUNCH of pages. Click the link above to continue the second page of Page 2.
Body-painted lady C-3PO cosplayer with her R2-D2 sidekick at Fan Expo Canada
Former Oscar Host Steve Martin wrote an open letter to upcoming Oscar host Eddie Murphy
A Spanish marketing poster for Rodrigo Cortes' Red Lights.
Ranker lists their Favorite 10 Performances by Actors in Other-Worldly Roles
Adam Ben Ezra performs a cover of Dexter theme song in this music video which is partly a tribute to the show's opening title sequence.
Vulture lists Six Ways Glee Can Turn Things Around in Season Three
AT-AT Pancakes
Apple has updated Final Cut Pro X to address some of editors' biggest concerns (XML, shared media..etc) and now offers a free trial version.
Matt Mulholland performs an a capella version of the skateboard chase scene from Back to the Future.
Movieline lists 5 Suggested Na'vi-riffic Rides for the Avatar Experience at Disney World
Due to the amount of graphics and images included in Page 2, we have to split this post over a BUNCH of pages. Click the link above to continue the third page of Page 2.
A sign of the times: UltraCulture compares Battling Maxo (left) from the Twilight Zone episode 'Steel' with Atom (right) from the upcoming movie Real Steel, both adapted from Richard Matheson's short story 'Steel'.
SplitSider lists Eight Reasons To Dislike George Lucas That Have Nothing To Do With Star WarsMTV Clutch lists 8 More Movies That Would Be Better With A Shark.Tyrese Gibson predicts that Michael Bay and Shia LaBeouf will return for Transformers 4:
"My humble prediction would be that... we're at $1.1 billion. This is the biggest year of my life. I'm on the other side of $1.7 billion in box office receipts, between both films. I think, with the success of Transformers: Dark of the Moon, both Michael Bay and Shia probably want a break from the franchise, but there's no way, I believe, that, at some point, they're not going come back to do Transfomers 4. Maybe they need a few years to get a few other creative things out of their system, which is understandable, but for people to love this franchise around the world like they do, it's damn-near crazy to not give the fans what they love and enjoy again. So maybe two years, maybe three years will go by, you never know, but I believe, and hope, that we are able to do another Transformers. I'm a real Transformers fan, outside of the fact that I'm in the movie, but I just hope we're able to do it again one day. It's the first film in Paramount's 99-year history that has ever grossed $1 billion. I hope we're able to figure this out."
Let Samuel L Jackson create your NSFW Mother fucking placeholder text.
WhatCulture lists Pixar's 10 Most Exciting MomentsTim Doyle created this Twin Peaks print for The Blue Starlite Mini Urban Drive-In's upcoming screening.BuzzFeed lists 10 Other Movies That Deserve Theme RestaurantsHere is a first look at the inflatable 8 foot tall Mr. Stay-Puft christmas decoration looks like in action.
Dwight M Cleveland is looking to sell his collection of 11,000 movie posters
Due to the amount of graphics and images included in Page 2, we have to split this post over a BUNCH of pages. Click the link above to continue the fourth page of Page 2.
Iotacon artist Andy Rash created 53 Pixelated Portraits of People From The Wire.
TV Dinner & a Movie explains why Ferris Bueller's Day Off is, was and always will be a must-see movie
Stormtrooper Troll cosplay.
Patrick Goldstein has written an article titled "Call me a contrarian, but I say Netflix is on the right track"
A new photo from Red of Red and Jonny fame.
IO9 lists some 1980s and 1990s Movies That Actually Should Be Remade
The Anatomy of Nerds & Geeks
Deja Review lists 5 Great Movies That Were Saved By Budget Cuts
Mini-LOL: Following In Netflix's Footsteps, Blockbuster is also creating a second brand/business.
Cracked lists 6 Obnoxious Assumptions Hollywood Makes About Women
Due to the amount of graphics and images included in Page 2, we have to split this post over a BUNCH of pages. Click the link above to continue the fifth page of Page 2.
The Emmy Awards featured a skit about a series of special guests from other TV shows appearing on The Office.
28 Million People Watched Two and a Half Men's Season Premiere
Handmade Ewok HoodChloe Moretz describes her Dark Shadows role:
Oh, Carolyn, that's a fun character. That's a really fun character. She is crazy. She is this teenager, like 15-year-old hippie who is into The Carpenters and Alice Cooper. She's super music-y and raw, like free love, you know. She's fun. I can't say much because he has a really dark secret I can't tell you.
Daniel Radcliffe explains why Harry Potter is better than Star Wars.IO9 lists 10 Biggest Missed Opportunities in Science Fiction and Fantasy
In December 2011, Dynamite Entertainment will publish the comic book RoboCop: Road Trip #1.
Mini-Geek Deal: Walmart has Sons Of Anarchy: Season One on Blu-ray for $15 with free shipping to store.
Jennifer Landa created a Star Wars blu-ray rap video.
ScreenJunkies lists 11 Cheesiest Movie Product Placements Of All Time
Due to the amount of graphics and images included in Page 2, we have to split this post over a BUNCH of pages. Click the link above to continue the sixth and final page of Page 2.
Gallery1988 has released a print of Leontine Greenberg's The Dark Crystal-inspired Crazy 4 Cult piece.The Help will Receive the Ensemble Award at 15th Annual Hollywood Film Awards
Vulture offers a damning Shot-by-Shot Comparison of Playboy Club vs. Mad Men.EW lists 12 Creative TV DeathsHugh Jackman appeared on WWE's Raw where he tried his hand at coaching a non-robot underdog Zack Ryder.PopCrunch lists 10 Dystopian Movie Scenarios That Would Actually Be Pretty Awesome