New Batman Suit And Batmobile Revealed From 'Batman Vs. Superman'

Zack Snyder revealed both the new Batman costume and the Batmobile from his upcoming Man of Steel sequel, Batman vs. Superman. It's a moody black and white shot, and we don't really get to see the full car, but I think the fact that Ben Affleck's Batman is standing next to it, in costume, is more than enough to make up for that. See the first image of the new Batman suit and Batmobile below.


Here's Snyder's tweet:

That's a Batman suit that is both very classic (those short ears, and a suit that looks less like armor than Christopher Nolan's designs) but also somewhat unique. There's definitely a lot of influence from Frank Miller's Dark Knight Returns design, and fans of both the Arkham series of video games and Jim Lee's Batman will probably like this suit, too. Click the image below to enlarge.

New Batman suitBatman vs. Superman opens on May 6, 2016.

The cast also includes Henry Cavill as Superman, Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor, Ray Fisher as Cyborg, Jeremy Irons as Alfred, Amy Adams as Lois Lane, Laurence Fishburne as Perry White, and Diane Lane as Martha Kent.


Here's a colorized version of the image, tweeted by Brett Culp. Just keep in mind that there is no verification that these colors are accurate — the belt items, in particular, seem too bright. Regardless, it's a nice idea, and there's a chance that we'll see this blue and grey color palette, but this color version is not at all official.


And this is the result of a little photoshop tweaking, which makes some details more visible:


