What Are The Most Pirated Movies Of 2014?

Guardians of the Galaxy and The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 1 are shaping up to be the biggest hits of the year at the global box office. But in terms of the year's most pirated films, they don't even make the top 20.


Instead, the most popular movies among illegal downloaders in 2014 were some of the best loved films from 2013. Perhaps the biggest surprise is that this is the one popularity contest Frozen didn't manage to win — it comes in at #2. So what was #1?  Get the top 20 most pirated movies of 2014 after the jump. 

Here are the top 20 most pirated movies of 2014 according to research firm Excipio:

20. Lone Survivor

19. Captain Phillips

18. Edge of Tomorrow

17. Divergent

16. Noah

15. Godzilla

14. Transformers: Age of Extinction

13. 300: Rise of an Empire

12. American Hustle

11. The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

The Top Ten Most Pirated Movies of 2014

12 Years a Slave (header size)

10. 12 Years a Slave

X-Men Days of Future Past

9. X-Men: Days of Future Past

8. The Legend of Hercules

Captain America The Winter Soldier

7. Captain America: The Winter Soldier


6. Thor: The Dark World

Find out the top five after the jump.


5. The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug



4. Gravity

Robocop (2)

3. Robocop*


2. Frozen


1. The Wolf of Wall Street

(* The numbers for Robocop reflect downloads of both the 1987 original and the 2014 remake, because Excipio wasn't able to differentiate two films with identical titles.)

It seems weirdly appropriate that the most-pirated movie of 2014 should be the one about a guy who gets rich by cheating. The Wolf of Wall Street's Jordan Belfort might not pirate movies himself (mostly because Internet piracy wasn't a thing in 1987), but he'd probably appreciate the downloaders' rule-breaking spirit.

Elsewhere, Frozen proves nearly as popular among illegal downloaders as it does among every other segment of society. So do the various superhero franchises — we're guessing the only reason Guardians of the Galaxy isn't on here is that it opened in August. Indeed, the most recent release on this list is June's Transformers: Age of Extinction at #14.


On the flip side, the biggest box office bomb on the list is probably The Legend of Hercules, which couldn't even recoup its $70 million production budget at the international box office. Just imagine how much better it would've done if it could've convinced some of the people who wanted to watch it, to actually pay for it.

