/Filmcast Ep. 311 - It Follows
David, Devindra, and Jeff try to figure out why Liam Neeson films aren't doing as well this month, discuss wonder where Bloodline is heading, debate the effectiveness of The Jinx's re-enactments, and get excited about the next Mission Impossible. Be sure to read Richard Brody's piece on why re-enactments never work.
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What We've Been Watching (10:50)
Jeff: The Jinx, Bloodline, Ex Machina
Devindra: Maps to the Stars, The Fall
David: Last Man on Earth, Broad City
Film News (42:20)
Russo Brothers to helm Infinity Wars
Mission Impossible Trailer
Featured Review (1:00:30)
It Follows
(1:16:00) SPOILERS
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