Comedians Dominate 'Captain Underpants' Voice Cast
DreamWorks Animation is finally moving forward with an adaptation of the popular children's book series, Captain Underpants. They won a heated bidding war for the property back in 2011 and Tuesday they announced the principal members of the voice cast. They include Kevin Hart, Ed Helms, Nick Kroll, Jordan Peele and Thomas Middleditch. The film will be directed by Rob Letterman (Monsters vs. Aliens) and is being adapted by Nicholas Stoller (The Muppets).
The Wrap broke the news of the casting. There's still no release date set for the film, but we do know who each actor is playing.
Hart and Middleditch will play the lead kids, George and Harold, who turn their school principal into the titular character. Helms is voicing him while Kroll is the villain, Professor Poopypants. Peele is a fellow student named Melvin Sneedly.
"These actors are some of the funniest around today" Letterman said in a press release. "Letting them loose with these characters is sure to be a hysterical ride."