'Clear History' TV Trailer: Larry David Returns To HBO

Walter White isn't the only prickly small-screen antihero coming back in the next couple of weeks. Larry David is returning to television for the first time since Curb Your Enthusiasm's eighth season ended in 2011 with Clear History, a new movie by HBO.


Technically, David's Clear History character is entirely separate from his Curb one. For starters, his name here isn't "Larry David" but Nathan Flomm. For another, Flomm's a marketing exec who works with Jon Hamm's character. But the film's premise — Flomm loses his stake in a startup after a petty argument, only to see the company grow into a billion-dollar corporation — certainly sounds very Curb-y. Watch the new trailer after the jump.

We've seen most of this footage in previous trailers, but it's still a fun reminder that David's awkwardness is about to blow up our TVs in just a few days.

At the HBO TCA panel last week, Mottola revealed that one of his concerns had been trying to stay true to David's style while keeping it fresh. "The thing that kept me up at night was that the movie would be either too much like Curb or not enough like Curb," he said.


One thing that hasn't changed is David's affinity for improv. While the storyline was fleshed out in detail, the actual dialogue was left up to the actors. "90 percent of actors love to improvise and everybody in the movie took to it so easily," David recalled.

Clear History first airs August 10 at 9 PM on HBO. And probably about a million more times in the weeks that follow.

This comedy follows Nathan Flomm (David), a marketing executive at a start-up electric car company, who, after a petty argument with his boss, gives up his 10 percent of the shares. The company then goes on to make billions of dollars, leaving Nathan publicly humiliated, his life destroyed. Ten years later, he's changed his name and moved to a small island off the coast of Massachusetts. All is well until something from his past threatens the new life he's made for himself.

