Chevrolet Unveils A Lame 'TRON' Inspired Car At The Beijing Auto Show

Arriving about six years too late for a successful cross promotion with the sequel TRON Legacy, the automobile manufacturer Chevrolet just unveiled a new version of their signature Cruze sedan. However, this version of the car is inspired by the aesthetics of the world of TRON.


The Chevy TRON car was unveiled at the Beijing auto show last week. While you might be thinking that this car is going to look awesome when you feast your eyes upon it after the jump, allow me to lower your expectations, because this car is pretty lame.

Here's the images of the Chevrolet TRON car from the General Motors website: (via The Verge):

The press release for the TRON Cruze says, "The unique model embodies Disney's futuristic thinking and ingenious technologies, paying tribute to the ultimate experience of speed and power from the 2011 science fiction movie while conveying Chevrolet's bold vision for personalized cars to come."

Never mind the fact that TRON Legacy actually came out in 2010, but how does this film embody futuristic thinking and ingenious technologies" in the least? This car looks like an average black Chevy Cruze with some neon blue stripes painted on (plus a tacky logo) and slight TRON interior highlights added on the inside. Sure, the taillights were made electric blue, but those would actually be illegal on the road.


So why the hell does this car even exist now? Well, Shanghai Disneyland is coming to China very soon, and there will be a prominent TRON ride at the theme park, so there you go.

