Miyako Pleines

Photo of Miyako Pleines
Knox College, Northwestern University
Movies, TV, Horror
  • Miyako has written a column for Catapult called "The Curse" which is all about the poetry and persuasion of horror movies.
  • She is a film and book reviewer for Spectrum Culture.
  • She also writes a column about birds and books for the Chicago Audubon Society.


Miyako Pleines has been a writer and film and TV junkie for as long as she can remember. Her work has been published in Electric Literature, the Ploughshares blog, The Rumpus, and elsewhere. Several of her works have been nominated for Best American Essays, with one piece selected as a notable essay for the 2015 edition. She joined Static Media in 2021, and she's excited to share her love of film and television with others.


Miyako has a bachelors degree in creative writing from Knox College, and an MFA in creative writing from Northwestern University.
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Stories By Miyako Pleines