And The Early 'Terminator' Reboot Title Is...
Briefly: The title of the Terminator reboot is, reportedly Terminator: Genesis. That's one of those wildly uninspiring subtitles that can join words such as "retribution," "origins," and "retaliation" in the set of outlawed terms that offer some vague idea of the tone of a film without really saying much at all. Since this is the first film in a planned trilogy, maybe we can look forward to two more well-worn biblical subtitles.Production Weekly reports the title, and it could be a placeholder production name.
Beyond that, we don't have much hard and fast info on the project. Megan Ellison of Annapurna Productions and her brother David Ellison of Skydance Productions are behind the project, and Laeta Kalorgridis (Avatar, Shutter Island) and Patrick Lussier (Drive Angry) are writing, and there will be a TV series that is connected to the new film in some way. Arnold Schwarzenegger will reportedly return, but we don't know in exactly what capacity, and there's no other cast. Even Alan Taylor, who is reported as the director, will only call it a rumor (due probably to unfinished contracts).
Regardless, Terminator: Genesis is set to open on July 2, 2015.