Adult Swim Officially Announces 'Black Dynamite' Animated Series
Briefly: Ever since Black Dynamite hit in 2009, there have been plans for a spin-off animated series featuring the continued adventures of the former Fed and irrepressible ladykiller avenger Black Dynamite. Now Adult Swim has officially picked up the series, which is directed by Carl Jones (The Boondocks), animated by Titmouse and will feature the voices of the film's actors Michael Jai White, Tommy Davidson, Kym Whitley and Byron Minns.
This deal has been a long time in the making. The animated series was mentioned in September and October 2009, and even then Michael Jai White was saying that Cartoon Network would be the home. When we initially covered the news I hoped and assumed that Adult Swim would be the final outlet, so it's good to see that finally come to be. The show will bow in early 2012. See another still after the break.