Kelly Reilly didn't have to audition to play Beth on Yellowstone, which scared her because she wasn't immediately sure how to find her way in to the character.
Stephen King is one of the best writers of all time, but that hasn't kept him from delivering some poor conclusions. Here are the 10 worst Stephen King endings.
When a show is on as long as The Big Bang Theory, fans are bound to get creative with alternate takes on the characters. But does this Penny theory hold water?
If you're thinking of diving into the world of K-Dramas, then have no fear, we got you covered. Here are 15 of the best K-Dramas for first-time viewers.
With Stephen King movies, there are hits and there are misses. One of the biggest misses was The Mangler, and yet, the horror film still spawned a franchise.
Star Trek writer David Gerrold wrote a Dr. Seuss-inspired book called that took a little too much inspiration from the famous author and sparked a lawsuit.